Kenneth - Wexford, Ireland


I looked up self healing on the internet and found your online course. This course has helped me so much. I read the self-empowering guidance story from the course e-book about ‘the bucket’ that carries our life’s resources and what you can do when your get-up-and-go is gone.

I have been through a lot of different traumas and upheavals in my life and have felt out-of-sorts for a long time. I was made redundant from work and didn’t have the courage to go back to college and study for a new career. I’ve been filling gaps in my life by helping family and friends both financially and with my time but I felt my energy was being drained dry.

I found this story intriguing and found myself wanting to read it over and over again. I began to see what I was doing to myself and how my actions and attitudes were draining away my own life’s resources. I realised that if I couldn’t help myself first and foremost, how can I help others.

I worked my way through the self healing lessons and lectures and found that working on my own chakras with the bio energy methods, I was able to relax more and reduce my levels of stress and anxiety. I haven’t got as far as using sound healing bowls or anything like that but I have learned your way of dowsing and this has helped me to pick the foods that were negatively affecting my health.

I very much enjoyed the book and the story about the race of life. This story really made me think. I could identify straight away with the character in this story. I understand now, how life is a race with a new race starting every day. Thank you for this self-empowering guidance and a terrific self healing course.

More Testimonials

Abdul - India

I come from an area in India where there is very little money and I could barely afford the bio energy healing course.  After reading online what was included in your course I felt I might be able to help other people with energy healing who cannot afford expensive medicine or therapy.

Moya – Dublin Ireland

I have the highest praise for the team behind the online energy healing training course. It was easy to follow as I studied my way through the many video lessons. I'm delighted I took this course in bio energy healing as a therapy for aches, pains, injury and balancing chakras.

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