Ciaran – Stoke-on-Trent - UK


Discovering all about the sound healing therapy course online opened up limitless possibilities for me. I could learn everything by simply watching video demonstration lectures. I do believe there is someone and something out there for everyone. I found what I was looking for when I found your sound healing course. I had many jobs in my lifetime but none that really resonated with me as much as this one.

I suffered with depression and panic attacks over the years. Large groups felt overwhelming for me. In a question and answer training course I would freeze up and be too shy to ask a question, then afterwards I would get annoyed with myself because didn’t get the information I really wanted to know. I knew I had the ability to learn but had very little self confidence and courage.

I was hypersensitive to sound, raised voices, banging doors and most particularly aggressive sounds. I often wondered why this was so I started to look up anything I could find about sound on my computer. This was when I came across several sites all about healing sounds, sound therapy, the power of sound plus many other sites dedicated to sound.

This was a whole new world for me that prior to this I didn’t even know existed. The more I read about sound the more I was attracted to learn more and best of all I could learn everything online by simply watching video lectures.

I completed your course and although it was a challenge at first it was a challenge I knew I could take on. Completing your course and all that I learned about how sound can be used for healing has given me the confidence to move on to bigger and greater things in my life. The world is a totally different place for me now thanks to you.

More Testimonials

Nancy – Mahone Bay, Canada

I always had on interest in music and a fascination with sound and how they interrelated with each other. There was always music in our house as long as I can remember. I didn’t know how to learn more about sound healing until after I had an injury to my knee in a fall. 

Michael - Florida, USA

Last year I completed the self healing training course online and found it to be most empowering. It helped me with my stress and anxiety and other health issues using bio energy techniques, sound healing, chakra clearing and balancing plus diaphramatic breathing techniques.

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