Abigail – Edmonton, Canada


I work as a special needs assistant for children. I love the work but it can be stressful at times. Two years ago I learned the online self healing course initially for myself. I found it so helpful particularly the breathing exercises and tips for stress reduction. I also use the self dowsing methods to check for my own food sensitivities.

Last year I decided to enrol for the full certified diploma course in bio energy healing. It was so natural and easy to learn probably because I had already completed the online self healing training course which had introduced me to the basic principles of bio energy healing.

Once I got past the introduction lectures this course opened up with more and more energy healing techniques which could be used for helping others with physical, mental or emotional issues. I took notes during all the case studies which was a great way to see how I could use various protocols during a therapy session for different health related problems from physical injuries to deep emotional issues requiring chakra energy balancing work.

I didn’t need to spend much time on the section on dowsing as I’ve been using pendulums and dowsing for many years. I intend to continue for the moment in my present job but I have set one day a week aside to work as an bio energy healing therapist and already my clientele is slowly on the increase. Thank you all.


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Grainne - Kerry, Ireland

This has been a terrific animal energy healing course. I have always had a love of animals and I have four dogs and six cats in my home where I live here in Ireland. I’m very grateful for this online training course which enabled me to do healing therapy on my own animals.

Carmen - Texas, USA

I completed the animal bio energy healing course online two years ago. I was drawn to this e-learning training program of study because of my love of animals. I had recently acquired two German shepherds one male and one female that were very malnourished prior to being rescued.

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