Healing Articles

Self Healing

Self healing a knee posterior cruciate ligament injury with bio energy

Self healing a knee posterior cruciate ligament injury with bio energy

The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are ligaments that crosses within the knee connecting the shinbone.

The symptoms and general cause of shoulder pain or frozen shoulder

The symptoms and general cause of shoulder pain or frozen shoulder

The shoulder can be prone to injury, stiffness, frozen shoulder, muscle strain, torn or damaged tendons or ligaments. The shoulder is very adaptable

Shin Splints very common amongst people who play team sports

Shin Splints very common amongst people who play team sports

Shin splints refers to a pain along the shin bone (Tibia) in the front of your lower leg. People who are involved in sporting activities,

Achilles’ tendonitis injury and how bio energy therapy can help

Achilles’ tendonitis injury and how bio energy therapy can help

The Achilles’ tendon provides a connection between the heel bone and the muscles in the back of the calf. Achilles’ tendon injury is usually

Ankle sprain or fracture is one of the most common of all injuries

Ankle sprain or fracture is one of the most common of all injuries

An ankle sprain or fracture is an injury to the tendons, ligaments or bands of tissue that connects and holds bones together in the ankle.

Discover your amazing inner healing powers to heal yourself & others

Discover your amazing inner healing powers to heal yourself & others

We are all, natural born healers, with the ability to help heal ourselves and help others to heal, at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

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