Music and Sound as medicine has been in use for thousands of years - Sound Healing

Music and Sound as medicine has been in use for thousands of years

Music, dance, rhythm, vibration and sound thas been used for thousands of years in its various forms as a vibrational medicine and sound healing therapy. Even today there is something about a ‘live’ musical performance that is exhilarating and somehow ‘excites’ the human body. Perhaps it activates and stimulates cells at a quantum level. This is turn can have an effect on organs and tissue and the body as a whole.

Helping babies to relax

Some years ago, the Beth Israel Medical Centre’s Louis Armstrong Centre for Music and Medicine conducted a study on babies and the effect that music and sound played in helping the babies to relax. Sound healing therapists used music therapy plus various sound healing instruments including percussion instruments and also requested that the parents join in and sing various lullabies. This was to ascertain how the babies would react to different sounds.

Singing of lullabies assisted the babies

It was found through their research that whilst various sound healing instruments proved helpful, it was the singing of lullabies that assisted the babies to sleep more peacefully and for longer periods of time.

Psychologist Daniel J. Levitin, PhD, who studies the neuroscience of music at McGill University in Montreal says that while music has long been recognized as an effective form of therapy to provide an outlet for emotions, the notion of using song, sound frequencies and rhythm to treat physical ailments is a relatively new domain. A wealth of new studies is touting the benefits of music on mental and physical health. For example, in a meta-analysis of 400 studies, Levitin and his postgraduate research fellow, Mona Lisa Chanda, PhD, found that music improves the body's immune system function and reduces stress. Listening to music was also found to be more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before surgery (Trends in Cognitive Sciences, April, 2013).

Fundamentally music is comprised of sound

Fundamentally music is comprised of sound which is basically frequencies and vibration. When the frequencies and vibrations are out-of-tune, inharmonious or distorted it is described as noise, however, when frequencies and vibration are in-tune, harmonious it is pleasant to the ear and brain and forms the basis for music.

Vibroacoustic therapy is a more recent therapeutic form of therapy. The client lies, on a therapy table, chair or a mat and low-frequency vibrations are then applied to the table, chair or mat via sound transducers. These vibrations can be ‘felt’ by the client. The sounds created can still be heard audibly at a very low volume as the vibrations are felt sometimes quite strongly throughout the body.

Frequencies to help reduce or relieve chronic pain

During our own use of vibroacoustic therapy at our Oisin Healing Clinic we found that frequencies in the lower ranges of 40Hz - 70Hz, 80Hz and up to 100Hz were found to be most effective for helping to reduce or relieve chronic pain, and in helping the body to relax.

Sound healing instruments as medicine

Sound healing instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, bell chimes, gongs, and relaxation music are regularly used as a type of music medicine. We often think of medicine only in terms of medication taken orally, by injection or inhalation as recommended by our healthcare practitioner. However, it’s important to be aware of and knowledgeable about other forms of medicine which can include sound and music healing as a medicine.

Find out more about how sound and music play such an important role in our everyday lives by browsing through our many sound healing blog articles.
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